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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Morgan

First Impressions of Morocco - In No Particular Order

After two years and a location change, I'm spending two weeks in Morocco, with some amazing educators, to complete my Fulbright TGC fellowship.

Here are some of my first impressions:

On the drive from Casablanca to Rabat, I noticed that the livestock were not fenced. The cows had a rope tied between their front legs, and the goats just seem to be free range. Woman appear to play a large role in caring for livestock.

Some of the buildings are incredibly old. The structure in this photo is the wall around Kasbah des Oudayas which was built in the 12 century.

There are pictures of the President everywhere - the airport, the hotel lobby, every restaurant and in the classrooms of the school we visited yesterday.

Cats - no dogs - but cats! There are community cat food bowls in the neighborhoods. This is one of many cats running around the Kasbah. The security officer at The Ministry of Education helped "the office cat" cross the street this morning.

In searching for my 3:00 afternoon coffee, the cafes are occupied by men. I'm going to have to find a cafe that is woman and/or tourist friendly. I think I'll be visiting the French cafe around the corner tomorrow.

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